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Showing posts from October, 2017

| LIFESTYLE | My Favourite Season: Autumn

Autumn has rolled around again, and this pleases me greatly. In homage to my favourite season, I’ve listed some of my reasons why I just love this time of year! ©        Those bright sunny mornings but with a chill in the air ©        Chunky knit jumpers and scarves ©        Autumnal colours such as mustard, burnt orange and burgundy ©        Seeing rows of trees all turning different shades of yellow, gold and red ©        Crunching through the mounting piles of fallen leaves on the ground ©        The excitement of seeing pumpkins start to appear in supermarkets ©        Pumpkin picking! ©        Baking fruit pies and crumbles ©        Starting to add cinnamon to drinks or puddings…because you can! ©        Digging out the dark berry-coloured lipsticks and wearing darker colours of nail polish ©        That precious hour in the afternoon when the sun is starting to set, casting a golden light over everything ©        Dusting off your

| HOME | Decorating With Pumpkins (For Grown Ups!)

Last weekend we visited a local farm which was holding its annual "pick your own pumpkin" event. I honestly didn't realise how enjoyable being in a field of pumpkins could actually be! At this particular place, they had over 50...yes 50  varieties of pumpkin. It's astounding to see all the different colours, shapes and sizes that you never knew existed. There's something very satisfying about foraging amongst the foliage and filling your arms (or in our case a wheelbarrow!) with your pumpkin finds- I guess that's the "hunter gatherer" instinct in all of us. I decided not to carve my pumpkins. It's fine when you're younger or you have children, but having a collection of pumpkins with manic toothy grins around the flat isn't really "me" and also once they are carved out, they don't last particularly long. Instead I decided to still celebrate Autumn and Halloween with the pumpkins, but to make the decoration a

| HOME | My Interior Style

If I could describe my interior style, I think it would be “cottage/shabbychic/scandi” but really it’s just an accumulation of things that I think look pretty. Going back about 7½ years when myself and my partner first moved in to our flat, I had completely different taste. Before moving in, my “dream” interior was to have dark super-modern furniture, lots of chrome, faux fur throws and generally feeling very “luxe”. I lusted after a dark brown faux leather bed frame and I was thrilled when we managed to buy my ideal bed. After a year or so, we also painted the bedroom walls in a brown paint which had a hint of purple to it from Wilkos- I believe it was called “Earthy Hue”. I'd always wanted to paint rooms in brown (I think this was due to the fact that my parent’s house was predominantly painted in magnolia and my bedroom was wallpapered…I just needed to get it out of my system!) and I thought that this colour would make the room feel cosy. BIG mistake. Combined with the dark w